[Tutor] search/match file position q

Clayton Kirkwood crk at godblessthe.us
Tue Oct 7 07:58:23 CEST 2014

I was trying to keep it generic.
Wrapped data file:
                   <tr data-row-symbol="SWKS"><td class="col-symbol txt"><span class="wrapper " data-model="name:DatumModel;id:null;" data-tmpl=""><a data-ylk="cat:portfolio;cpos:1" href="http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=SWKS" data-rapid_p="18">SWKS</a></span></td><td class="col-fiftytwo_week_low cell-raw:23.270000"><span class="wrapper " data-model="name:DatumModel;id:SWKS:qsi:wk52:low;" data-tmpl="change:yfin.datum">23.27</span></td><td class="col-prev_close cell-raw:58.049999"><span class="wrapper " data-model="name:DatumMo

import re, os
    line_in = file.readline()							# read in humongous html line
        stock = re.search('\s*<tr data-row-symbol="([A-Z]+)">', line_in)	#scan to SWKS"> in data 													#line, stock should be SWKS
        low_52 = re.search('.+wk52:low.+([\d\.]+)<', line_in)		#want to pick up from														#SWKS">, low_52 should be 23.27

I am trying to figure out if each re.match starts scanning at the beginning of the same line over and over or does each scan start at the end of the last match. It appears to start over??

This is stock:
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 47), match='                    <tr data-row-symbol="SWKS">'> 
This is low_52:
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 502875), match='                    <tr data-row-symbol="SWKS"><t>
If necessary, how do I pick up and move forward to the point right after the previous match?  File.tell() and file.__sizeof__(), don't seem to play a useful role.



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