[Tutor] Michael Dawson Chapter 6 Challenge 4

John Feleppa john.feleppa at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 13:04:07 CET 2014

Dear all,

Has anyone solved the fourth challenge in Chapter 6 of Michael Dawson's
book, 'Python Programming for the absolute beginner'?

The challenge: 'Write a new *computer_move()* function for the Tic-Tac-Toe
game to plug the hole in the computer's strategy.  See if you can create an
opponent that is unbeatable!'

The function is as follows:

def computer_move(board, computer, human):
    """Make computer move."""
    # make a copy to work with since function will be changing list
    board = board[:]
*    # the best positions to have, in order*
*    BEST_MOVES = (4, 0, 2, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7)*

    print("I shall take square number", end=" ")

    # if computer can win, take that move
    for move in legal_moves(board):
        board[move] = computer
        if winner(board) == computer:
            return move
        # done checking this move, undo it
        board[move] = EMPTY

    # if human can win, block that move
    for move in legal_moves(board):
        board[move] = human
        if winner(board) == human:
            return move
        # done checkin this move, undo it
        board[move] = EMPTY

    *# since no one can win on next move, pick best open square*
*    for move in BEST_MOVES:*
*        if move in legal_moves(board):*
*            print(move)*
*            return move*

I believe a solution lies in the final lines, which I put in bold, and in
the BEST_MOVES tuple, which is also in bold.  As in, it looks through the
list of best moves in order regardless of what move the opponent has made.
So it just dumbly selects the next item in the tuple instead of responding
to the opponent's move.  So, for example, the following sequence shows the
computer's weakness:

a. the opponent goes first in a corner, in Square 0
b. the computer picks the centre, in Square 5
c. the opponent picks the opposite corner, Square 8
d. the weakness - the computer picks the corner, Square 2, which will be
easily countered by the opponent going in Square 6, instead of the smarter
Square 1, which will result in a draw, and not a loss.

HAS ANYONE SOLVED THIS?  I'd much appreciate help here.
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