[Tutor] Option on How to create web Interface

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu May 22 00:54:07 CEST 2014

On 21/05/14 16:50, fabu desay wrote:
> If I got the problem correctly,you can equally create + open a file
> file =  open(filename,+wr)

You wouldn't normally use +wr as a mode; that introduces a lot of 
complications. Usually you just open to read, or open to write.
In your case w is all you need.

> The file should have the HTML extension
> You can now pace your web contents in the file.html you created
> that should work by trigering the python file you programed in and it
> inturn creates the website or pages of your choice

I'm not totally sure what you mean but I don;t think it works the way 
you believe.

What you do in your code below is create an HTML file.
That could be served up by a web server as a static HTML file.
But for dynamic web content the program actually prints the HTML
to stdout and the web server redirects stdout back to the web 

> an example like this could help
> webpage = open('index.html', 'w+')
> webpage.write("<html><head><title>My web page</title></head>");
> webpage.write("<body>This the body</body></html>");
> webpage.close()

You don't need the w+, w on its own is adequate.
And you don't need semi-colons at the end of lines.

But basically this just creates a text file in a folder somewhere.
Its only when that is accessed via a web server that it gets
sent to a browser, and only as a static file.

If you wanted to do it dynamically you'd have a file called
something like mypage.cgi which looked like:

print("<html><head><title>My web page</title></head>")
print("<body>This the body</body></html>")

And provided the web server was configured to run python
on cgi files you could access it as


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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