[Tutor] How inefficient is this code?

Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com
Thu May 8 02:49:42 CEST 2014

On May 7, 2014 8:42 PM, "C Smith" <illusiontechniques at gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess intuiting efficiency doesn't work in Python because it is such
> high-level? Or is there much more going on there?


The level is a good part, yes. If, like me, you don't  know what C
constructs are under python constructs, you are guessing shapes of objects
by the shadows they cast.

But, that's not the sole issue. Ever write code that you thought did what
you wanted only to run it and find out you were wrong? That happens because
your intuitive judgements aren't giving you perfectly reliable insight into
what code does :-)


Brian vdB
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