[Tutor] Better way to check *nix remote file age?

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Fri Jun 27 13:41:01 CEST 2014

Raúl Cumplido, 27.06.2014 12:10:
> I would recommend you to migrate your Python version for a newer one where
> you can use fabric, paramiko or other ssh tools. It would be easier.


Even compiling it yourself shouldn't be too difficult on Linux.

> I would recommend also instead of doing an "ls -l" command doing something
> to retrieve only the information you need:
> /bin/ls -ls | awk '{print $7,$8,$9, $10}'
> Jun 27 10:36 my_file

Or run some Python code on the other side, e.g. with

    python -c 'python code here'


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