[Tutor] How to list/process files with identical character strings

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Jun 24 22:10:43 CEST 2014

Hi Mark,

Part of the problem statement sounds a little unusual to me, so I need
to push on it to confirm.  How do we know that there are only two
files at a time that we need to manage?

The naming convention described in the problem:

The naming convention of the files is as follows: TYYYYDDDHHMMSS, where:
T= one character satellite code
YYYY = 4 digit year
DDD = Julian date
HH = 2-digit hour
MM = 2-digit minute
SS = 2-digit second

allows for multiple collisions on the key TYYYYDDD.  But without
additional information, having more than two collisions seems a likely
possibility to me!

is there some other convention in play that prevents >2 collisions
from occurring?  The real world can be a bit dirty, so what happens if
there are more?  Is that an error?

Good luck to you!

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