[Tutor] write dictionary to file

Ian D duxbuz at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 19 17:13:45 CEST 2014

When trying to write my dictionary to a file I get:

TypeError: 'tuple' does not support the buffer interface

using this example:

#so far this should read a file
#using dictreader and take a column and join some text onto it

import csv

csvfile= open('StudentListToSort.csv', newline='')
spamreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile,delimiter=',',quotechar='|')

#open a file to write to later
f = open('output.csv', 'wb+')

#iterate through dictreader object
for row in spamreader:
    if row['year'] == '40':     
        username = row['user'] #I put stuff in variables for ease of viewing/debugging
        email = "".join([username,'@email.com]) # join text
        #put output for file in variable first
        output = email, row['first'],row['last'],row['password']
        #change tuple to list
        #outputlist= list(output)
        #write results to file   

I then tried to cast the tuple to a list thinking that would help like this:

        #change tuple to list
        #outputlist= list(output)
        #write results to file   

same problem:

TypeError: 'list' does not support the buffer interface

So is it the csv.DictWriter that is needed here? 		 	   		  

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