[Tutor] How does one construct a module for import?

Sydney Shall s.shall at virginmedia.com
Mon Jun 2 14:21:29 CEST 2014

I am having a similar problem.
I have now worked out how to copy my helper file to the correct 
location, in my case is:

When I type the following at the IPython prompt I get no error message;
import findGraphParametersV2

And the following led me to believe all was well.

I type in the following:
In [19]: dir(findGraphParametersV2)


However, when I use the import statement in my program I get a runtime 
error as follows:

<ipython-input-14-abb1b897e8b9> in <module>()
----> 1 CapitalSimulation(51, 4000.0, 20.0, 20.0, 100, 1.0, 0.0, 40.0, 1.0)

version/CapitalWithProdV14.py in CapitalSimulation(number_of_cycles, 
capital_advanced, unit_constant_capital, wagerate, labour_powers, 
productivity, prodinc, work_duration, labour_intensity)
     525                         lnsurplusvalue, lnvariablecapital, 
     526                         lnlabourpowers, lnnewvaluecreated, 
--> 527                         rationvtorc)
     529     plotDataV2(cycles, AdvancedCapital, lnAdvancedCapital, 

TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

I do not really understand what Steven is recommending below.
Is it an init statement in a file or is it an independent file.

Thanks to you all.


On 02/06/2014 03:55, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 01, 2014 at 08:33:37PM -0500, Charles Agriesti wrote:
>> from swampy.World import World
>> world = World()
>> ImportError: No module name World
>> These scripts run with no problem as long as the file location is the
>> python27 folder. But not from outside the folder.
> Where does swampy come from? Is it your module? Somebody else's?
> It looks to me like it is a bug in swampy. You are trying to use it as
> if it were a package containing a sub-module, but it isn't actually a
> package, just a folder full of modules.
> If swampy is somebody else's project, you should report this to them as
> a bug, but if it is yours, then you should be able to fix it by adding
> an empty __init__.py file inside the swampy folder.
> My guess is that you have a folder like this inside the python27 folder:
> python27
> +-- [other python files]
> +-- swampy
>      +-- World.py
> but you need this:
> python27
> +-- [other python files]
> +-- swampy
>      +-- __init__.py
>      +-- World.py
> If this is not what you have, you will need to explain in more detail
> what the layout of your files is, where swampy came from, and where it
> is.

Sydney Shall

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