[Tutor] Security and Reliability of Python

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Jul 25 11:46:41 CEST 2014

Danny Yoo <dyoo at hashcollision.org> Wrote in message:
> > Python is only as secure as the code *you* write. If you write code
>> where you accept text from untrusted people over the Internet and then
>> execute it as code using eval() or exec(), then your code is vulnerable
>> to code injection attacks. The solution to this is simple: don't use
>> eval() or exec() on untrusted data. There is hardly ever a need to use
>> eval() or exec() in your own code. In 15 years, I've only used them a
>> handful of times, and then mostly for experiments.
> And we have to fight the good fight.  There are people out there who
> think that eval() is fine to teach to beginners.  I do not understand
> why.  As a concrete example that I came across today:
>     https://plus.google.com/111222510165686226339/posts/jQrn9vkGxHA
> Such teaching makes me very sad.  We have to really fight this hard to
> keep people from writing dangerous code.  It's a bit frustrating
> because the teacher there obviously knows enough to be dangerous, yet
> not enough to be respectfully cautious.
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I tried to leave the following comment on that site, but cannot
 figure how to use Google+ from a tablet.  I left it somewhere, 
 but apparently not on that page.

Why not introduce ast.literal-eval () ?
It's a whole lot safer than eval ()

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