[Tutor] (no subject)

Wolfgang Maier wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Jul 23 10:18:29 CEST 2014

On 07/23/2014 03:36 AM, LN A-go-go wrote:
> Hi again and thank-you Wolfgang and company.  I wish I could give you
> snickers bars or something!  I was able to get through the road_blocks
> with your help.  I have been working the last few days, I am sorry to
> say, unsuccessfully, to calculate the mean (that's easy), split the data
> into sub-groups or secondary means - which are the break values between
> 4 classes.  Create data-sets with incursive values.  I can do it with
> brute force (copy and paste) but need to rise to the pythonic way and
> use a while loop and a nested if-else structure.  My attempts have been
> lame enough that I don't even want to put them here.

Before addressing your question, I guess it's time that you start 
following the etiquette on this list:
1) start a new thread when you ask a new question
2) give the thread a telling subject line
3) show your attempts (even if you think they are lame)
4) show only the relevant part of your code (makes it easier for 
evereybody to read your post, but often sitting down and writing a 
streamlined version of what you have done before posting also helps you 
to understand what the actual problem is)

Finally and as suggested by others, it is really time that you start 
writing programs instead of just typing individual commands in the 
interactive interpreter. Use IDLE or any text editor for that.

I'll be following point 1 and 2 from the list above and answer your 
question in a separate thread.


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