[Tutor] how do I set variables in Python 3.4

William Ray Wing wrw at mac.com
Fri Jul 11 21:38:02 CEST 2014

On Jul 11, 2014, at 1:50 AM, Danielle Salaz <danieshari at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a noob to Python and cannot figure out how to complete one of my assignments. 

Welcome to Python - I’d hope you’ve been monitoring this Tutor list for at least a few days -

> I am supposed to use operand1=2 and operand2=7 
> To complete: result= operand1+operand2 etc, but I keep getting invalid syntax either on the " or operand1. Please help

If you have been, you would see that we need to know which version of Python, what operating system, and then see a complete copy and paste of the traceback and the code you were executing.

In this case, that would be particularly relevant, because it would appear that you have typo’d your iPhone e-mail since there is no " character anyplace in any of the three assignment statements you have given us. Worse, on an iPhone keypad, the “ character isn’t close to anything else you might logically have used.


> Sent from my iPhone
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