[Tutor] sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Jul 11 05:01:23 CEST 2014

Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk> Wrote in message:
> On 
> THINK BIG start small.  Little steps.  Divide and conquer.  I'd guess 
> that you've heard at least one of those if not all of them.
> Personally I don't believe that you can call yourself a professional 
> programmer until you've inadvertantly written an infinite number of 
> infinite loops :)

I wrote code whose purpose was to generate other code whose
 purpose was to generate code that in turn was a library. The code
 that I wrote using that library had a purpose of modifying code
 being compiled by a customer of this system.  And this approach
 was the quickest way I could find to solve the original problem. 
 And I was issued a patent on the end result. 

Incidentally the generated code was used without manual editing,
 but was properly indented and commented,  to make debugging


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