[Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Jul 8 23:02:46 CEST 2014

You might look at:


both which appears relevant to your question.

If I understand your question correctly, you're trying to open up a
new terminal with gnome-terminal, and within that new terminal,
execute some additional set of instructions in the context of that
terminal.  If so, then you'll probably have to open up the
gnome-terminal in such a way that it knows what to do next by itself,
without further interaction with your original Python program.  So
when you say:

    opening gnome-terminal
    cd to proper directory
    run source /bin/activate

then I see a secondary "terminal_script.py" in charge of doing:

    cd to proper directory
    run source /bin/activate

and your primary script will be doing the initial call to do

    gnome-terminal -e "python terminal_script.py"

to finish the rest of the computation you're planning.

As a side note, consider using the subprocess module instead of
os.system().  https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#module-subprocess.

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