[Tutor] encoding question

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 10:51:54 CET 2014

On 01/05/2014 12:52 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> If you don't understand an exception, you
> have no business covering it up and hiding that it took place. Never use
> a bare try...except, always catch the *smallest* number of specific
> exception types that make sense. Better is to avoid catching exceptions
> at all: an exception (usually) means something has gone wrong. You
> should aim to fix the problem *before* it blows up, not after.
> I'm reminded of a quote:
> "I find it amusing when novice programmers believe their main job is
> preventing programs from crashing. ... More experienced programmers
> realize that correct code is great, code that crashes could use
> improvement, but incorrect code that doesn't crash is a horrible
> nightmare." -- Chris Smith
> Your code is incorrect, it does the wrong thing, but it doesn't crash,
> it just covers up the fact that an exception occured.

An exception, or any other kind of anomaly detected by a func one calls, is in 
most cases a *symptom* of an error, somewhere else in one's code (possibly far 
in source, possibly long earlier, possibly apparently unrelated). Catching an 
exception (except in rare cases), is just suppressing a _signal_ about a 
probable error. Catching an exception does not make the code correct, it just 
pretends to (except in rare cases). It's like hiding the dirt under a carpet, or 
beating up the poor guy that ran for 3 kilometers to tell you a fire in 
threatening your home.

Again: the anomaly (eg wrong input) detected by a func is not the error; it is a 
consequence of the true original error, what one should aim at correcting. (But 
our culture apparently loves repressing symptoms rather than curing actual 
problems: we programmers just often thoughtlessly apply the scheme ;-)

We should instead gratefully thank func authors for having correctly done their 
jobs of controlling input. They offer us the information needed to find bugs 
which otherwise may happily go on their lives undetected; and thus the 
opportunity to write more correct software. (This is why func authors should 
control input, refuse any anomalous or dubious values, and never ever try to 
guess what the app expects in such cases; instead just say "cannot do my job 
safely, or at all".)

If one is passing an empty set to an 'average' func, don't blame the func or 
shut up the signal/exception, instead be grateful to the func's author, and find 
why and how it happens the set is empty. If one is is trying to write into a 
file, don't blame the file for not existing, the user for being stupid, or shut 
up the signal/exception, instead be grateful to the func's author, and find why 
and how it happens the file does not exist, now (about the user: is your doc 
clear enough?).

The sub-category of cases where exception handling makes sense at all is the 
* a called function may fail (eg average, find a given item in a list, write 
into a file)
* and, the failure case makes sense for the app, it _does_ belong to the app logic
* and, the case should nevertheless be handled like others up to this point in 
code (meaning, there should not be a separate branch for it, we should really 
land there in code even for this failure case)
* and, one cannot know whether it is a failure case without trying, or it would 
be as costly as just trying (wrong for average, right for 2 other examples)
* and, one can repair the failure right here, in any case, and go on correctly 
according to the app logic (depends on apps) (there is also the category of 
alternate running modes)

In such a situation, the right thing to do is to catch the exception signal (or 
use whatever error management exists, eg a check for a None return value) and 
proceed correctly (and think at testing this case ;-).

But this is not that common. In particular, if the failure case does not belong 
to the app logic (the item should be there, the file should exist) then do *not* 
catch a potential signal: if it happens, it would tell you about a bug 
*elsewhere* in code; and _this_ is what is to correct.

There a mythology in programming, that software should not crash; wrongly 
understood (or rightly, authors of such texts usually are pretty unclear and 
ambiguous), this leads to catching exceptions that are just signal of symptoms 
of errors... Instead, software should crash whenever it is incorrect; often 
(when the error does not cause obvious misbehaviour) it is the only way for the 
programmer to know about errors. Crashes are the programmer's best friend (I 
mean, those programmers which aim is to write quality software).


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