[Tutor] trace / profile function calls with inputs

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 10 12:54:36 CET 2014

CCing tutor list.
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn To Program website


>> You say functions. But what about the functions used to implement 
>> operators like +,-,*,+= etc?
>I don't need them now.
>> to? If so what about the operations on built in classes?
>> The x * 50 above for example? What about operations on literals?
>> z = 1+1 for instance?
>Neither them this time.
>> How are you planning on analyzing the results? Sometimes a more 
>> intelligent and considered approach is better than just logging
>> everything...
>I need all the functions called by the program in a simple txt file. I
>would like to create a statistic of the common functions called (yes,
>identified by only name and input) between different software products.
>Ah. That's what I feared. If you were trying to understand how some 
system functioned or trying to improve performance in some way a 
more considered subset would be feasible. But if you want to collect 
stats for their own sake then you have no option. 
And I don't really know how to help you.

Maybe one of our python internals gurus can help there...

Alan g.
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