[Tutor] sys.path.append import python3 not working

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 5 17:42:07 CET 2014

>> And after 15 years of using Python I didn't know it existed until now!
>> I've always used a local directory and added it to PYTHONPATH...
>Then maybe you're also not aware of the --user option for
>pip/easy_install. That's how I discovered the user site-packages
>directory.To be honest I've not really used pip or easy_install much.
Most of what I do uses the standard library. The only extra packages 
I use are BeautifulSoup(very rarely) and wxPython(also rarely)
and TurboGears and Django once each.

In fact, one of the things I'm playing with just now is the whole 
distutils packaging thing and reading up on eggs etc. Frankly it's 
all a bit of a mess and I hope the promised improvements from 
Python 3.4 onwards will make it a lot less messy!


Alan g.
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