[Tutor] Python

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 23:20:45 CET 2014

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:02 PM, jack jasper <jackjasper at me.com> wrote:
> Why do I get SyntaxErrors when I type in an article like a or a colon :
> Enter an integer an gets listed as a SyntaxError
> x == 0: The colon gets flagged This is part of an if else program with  an

colon only goes on end of def, if, elif, else, and for
> x = raw_input('Enter an integer:  ') sort of statement above it.
> I've had trouble with -> with the > being flagged.
> I just don't get it.

show your code, give version number (2.x or 3.x).  I'm guessing 2.x
since you are using raw_input
> Thank you,
> Jack Jasper
> jackjasper at mac.com
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Joel Goldstick

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