[Tutor] Interacting with stderr

Crush crushed26 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 15:42:17 CEST 2014

So, are yall done arguing haha...jk! Seriously, thank you for taking the time to pick this issue apart with me. Cameron your "learning" comment was right on; my ultimate goal in posting here is to learn and of course to figure out my code. 

As far as the pipe in...

"avconv -v verbose -re -analyzeduration 1000 -ihttp://localhost:6498/ms2/1382097438004/0MediaPlayer+0+/octoshape+hVV+octolive.americaone.com+V+aone+V+live+V+ONECONNXTDEMO1_HD_flv/aoneliveONECONNXTDEMO1HDflv -c:v rawvideo -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -f nut - | ./bmdplay -m 12 -f pipe:0"

...it has to be there. Currently, i am running a shell script that is handling this decoding process i.e. the real long avconv/bmdplay command. So you are saying leave the shell script and invoke it from a python script...something like "p = subprocess.Popen("./my_script.sh")? How will the above allow me to interact with stderr in oppose to running the avconv/bmdplay command directly in python? 

As far as not using "shell=True," if I dont have it set to True, the terminal hangs and will not display stderr to the screen as it is currently does. 


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