[Tutor] try/exception - error block

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Aug 3 17:47:37 CEST 2014

On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 10:29:23AM -0400, bruce wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a long running process, it generates calls to a separate py
> app. The py app appears to generate errors, as indicated in the
> /var/log/messages file for the abrtd daemon.. The errors are
> intermittent.

Well, what do the errors say?

> So, to quickly capture all possible exceptions/errors, I decided to
> wrap the entire "main" block of the test py func in a try/exception
> block.

I don't understand what you mean here. You're using abbreviations I 
don't understand -- are you just being a lazy typist, or do they have 
some specific meaning I'm missing? What's a "test py func"? How does it 
relate to the long running process (written in what language?) and the 
"py app" that is generating errors? Where does the "abrtd daemon" fit 
into this?

I'm sure your code is really familiar to you, but it isn't familiar to 
us, so taking shortcuts and abbreviations when describing it will just 
lead to confusion. We don't know your 
code, and we don't know your level of knowledge. Since this is a 
mailing list for beginners, it's natural to assume that you must be a 
beginner too, so when you call something a "daemon", does that mean it 
actually is a Unix daemon, or are you just using the wrong word?

> This didn't work, as I'm not getting any output in the err file
> generated in the exception block.

I see your except block tries printing some things. Do they appear 
anywhere? I wouldn't expect so, if it actually is running as a daemon, 
since daemons have no access to stdout and stderr.

> I'm posting the test code I'm using. Pointers/comments would be helpful/useful.

For starters, cut out all the old, long dead code. We don't need, or 
want, to see the fossilised remains of your code as it was six versions 
back, we want to see how it is *now*. That includes comments which no 
longer have any relevance to your code.

Secondly, you should try to reduce the problem to the smallest possible 
amount of code. Simplify, simplify, simplify: cut out everything which 
is not relevant to the actual issue at hand.

> ////////////////////
>  the if that gets run is the fac1 logic which operates on the input
> packet/data..
>     elif (level=='collegeFaculty1'):
>         #getClasses(url, college, termVal,termName,deptName,deptAbbrv)
>       ret=getParseCollegeFacultyList1(url,content)
> ////////////////////

I'm afraid I don't have the foggiest idea of what you're trying to say 

> if __name__ == "__main__":
> # main app
>   try:
[deleting lots of commented out code]
>     if(len(sys.argv)<2):
>       print "error\n"
>       sys.exit()

You really should raise an exception on errors, but if you insist on 
doing things this way, you should print to stderr, not stdout, and you 
should exit with a non-zero status:

    print >>sys.stdout, "descriptive error messages are better\n"

>     a=sys.argv[1]
>     aaa=a

A minor stylistic thing: you can write this as:

    a = aaa = sys.argv[1]

but of course you really ought to use descriptive variable names rather 
than cryptic "a" and "aaa" and "z" and other meaningless names.

[deleting more fossil code]
>     z=simplejson.loads(urllib.unquote_plus(a))
>     print z
>     url=str(z['currentURL'])
>     level=str(z['level'])
>     cname=str(z['parseContentFileName'])

>     cmd='echo ${yolo_clientParseInputDir}/'
>     proc=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>     cpath=proc.communicate()[0].strip()

Hmmm. Are you trying to read the value of an environment variable using 
subprocess? If so, then try this instead:

    cpath = os.getenv('yolo_clientParseInputDir')

If not, then sorry for the noise. Perhaps you could explain what your 
call to echo in the shell is meant to do?

>     cname=cpath+cname

>     cmd='test -e '+cname+' && echo 1'
>     proc=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>     c1=proc.communicate()[0].strip()

And here I think you're trying to test whether a file exists?


>     if(not c1):
>       #got an error - process it, return
>       print "error in parse"

Um, surely not? Surely the error is that the file doesn't exist, not 
that it is a parsing error?

>     with open(cname,"r") as myfile:
>       content=myfile.read()
>       myfile.close()

If you use the "with open" form, there is no need to manually close the 
file, it will be automatically closed for you.

    with open(cname,"r") as myfile:
        content = myfile.read()

is all you need (assuming you have permission to open the file, and that 
it still exists).

[lots more fossils deleted]
>     ret={} # null it out to start
>     if (level=='rState'):
>       ret=getParseStates(content)
>     elif (level=='stateCollegeList'):
>       ret=getParseStateCollegeList(url,content)
>     elif (level=='collegeFaculty1'):
>       ret=getParseCollegeFacultyList1(url,content)
>     elif (level=='collegeFaculty2'):
>       ret=getParseCollegeFacultyList2(content)

I'm not really sure if any of that code is relevant to the problem 
you're having.

>     a={}
>     status=False
>     if(ret['status']==True):
>       s=ascii_strip(ret['data'])
>       if(((s.find("</html")>-1) or (s.find("</HTML")>-1)) and
>           ((s.find("<html")>-1) or (s.find("<HTML")>-1)) and
>            level=='classSectionDay'):
>         status=True
>       a['Status']=True
>       a['recCount']=ret['count']
>       a['data']=ret['data']
>       a['nextLevel']=''
>       a['timestamp']=''
>       a['macAddress']=''
>     elif(ret['status']==False):
>       a['Status']=False
>       a['recCount']=0
>       a['data']=''
>       a['nextLevel']=''
>       a['timestamp']=''
>       a['macAddress']=''
>     res=urllib.quote(simplejson.dumps(a))

Your code will be much, much, much more readable if you use a reasonable 
indent between levels. Four spaces rather than two, or a tab. I'm 
finding it quite difficult to keep track of the levels when they are so 
close together.

>     name=subprocess.Popen('uuidgen -t', shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>     name=name.communicate()[0].strip()
>     name=name.replace("-","_")
>     name2=tmpParseDir+"/rr_"+name+".dat"
>     ofile1=open(name2,"w+")
>     ofile1.write(res)
>     ofile1.close()
>     print name2

So does this file get written to?

Does name2 get printed?

>     if status==False:
>       sname=tmpParseDir+"/serr_"+name+".dat"
>       ofile1=open(sname,"w+")
>       ofile1.write(aaa)
>       ofile1.close()

How about this one? Does it get written to?

>     sys.exit()

Since you exit here, the rest of the code in the block is never 

>     print "term = "+str(termVal)+"\n"
>     print "url = "+url+"\n"
>     getTerm(url,college,termVal)
>     print "exit"
>     sys.exit()

That's all dead code. I hope it isn't important.

>   except Exception, e:
>     print e
>     print "pycolFac1 - error!! \n";

Does that get printed?

>     name=subprocess.Popen('uuidgen -t', shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>     name=name.communicate()[0].strip()
>     name=name.replace("-","_")
>     name2="/home/ihubuser/parseErrTest/pp_"+name+".dat"
>     ofile1=open(name2,"w+")
>     ofile1.write(e)
>     ofile1.write(aaa)
>     ofile1.close()
>     sys.exit()

That's awfully ambitious code for an except clause that you're not even 
sure is working. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

    except Exception, e:
        with open("/tmp/myerror.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("%r" % e)

Now you should be able to see the error written to the file, which you 
should have write privileges to unless you're doing something very 


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