[Tutor] Python functions are first-class citizens

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 1 08:32:22 CEST 2014

On 01/08/14 06:12, memilanuk wrote:

> counts = {'a':1, 'b':22, 'c':100}
> then counts.get('b') should return 22.  I got that much.
> And counts.get is just an uncalled version of that:
> foo = counts.get
> foo('b')
> should return 22 as well.  Think I got that as well.

Well done, thats the crux of it.

> Where things are going pear-shaped is how counts.get can function as a
> 'key' when we don't actually supply () (or anything inside them)

The max() function calls the key function internally.

Here is a trivial example (untested code!)

 >>> def f(aFunc):
       for n in range(3):
         print("Your function returns",aFunc(n),"with input",n)
 >>> def g(n):
       return n+2
 >>> f(g)
Your function returns 2 with input 0
Your function returns 3 with input 1
Your function returns 4 with input 2

So f calls aFunc using n internally.
The specification of f requires that you pass it a function that accepts 
a single argument

max and sort etc work the same way.
They call your function internally.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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