[Tutor] Difficulty in getting logged on to python.org; want to resubscribe at the beginner level; finding "While" Loops in Python 3.4.0 to be extremely picky

Stephen Mik mik.stephen at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 25 22:34:12 CEST 2014

Dear Sir(s):
    My name is Stephen W. Mik,my email address is "mik.stephen at yahoo.com"; and I am having trouble logging on to the "Python Tutor Site". I desperately need HELP with a Python 3.4.0 "Guess A Number" Homework Assignment 4 which is due VERY SOON.. I recognize,and acknowledge,that I am a Python Programming amateur and some of my questions may seem trivial or naive;but a guy has to start somewhere.I was briefly on the mailing list for a few days;unsubscribed Apr. 24,2014,and now I want to get back in,but am having trouble doing so. I have to do my programming in a shared computer lab(on Windows machines) Mondays,Tuesdays,Thursdays and limited hours on Friday because my home computer is a 2007 MacIntosh which I  can't configure to run Python 3.4.0. Anyway,people,I need help with Python as soon as I can get it.Thanks.
SINCERELY,Stephen W. Mik
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