[Tutor] Writing program: To Do List in Python 3.0

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu Sep 26 14:57:52 CEST 2013

On 26/9/2013 08:18, Rafael Knuth wrote:

> Dave,
> thank you so much, I will proceed as you suggested.
> Currently, I am not 100% sure I get it right, but I will start iterating
> now.

Please don't top-post.  Put your comments under the relevant part(s) of
the previous message, and delete the rest.  Do include the attribution
line, of course.

Next, i'd say:

try just one of these ideas, and if it's at all confusing, post the
errant code here, with a corresponding question. if something doesn't
work, indicate what you expected, and in what way it didn't meet those
expectations. And if you're puzzled about an error (exception), post
the full traceback including the error.

And don't forget all the built-in and online help available directly
from python.  All of us use help() and dir() to remind ourselves of
something, even if we already "know" it.  And it's not hard to search
for things online, especially on the python.org site.

When I used to use Windows, I installed the ActivePython from
ActiveState website.  Not only does it have some additional win32
functionality, but it also has a chm file which I found was easier to
find stuff in than other formats.  I don't know if that's still true.



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