[Tutor] HELP Please!!!....How Do I Make a Graph Chart Generate in Python Based on my Code

Dino Bektešević ljetibo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 03:15:32 CEST 2013


I wrote a response on the subject in the title about creating a graph
in Python using the Graphics module presented in the standard python
tutorial on 23rd detailing full explanations but I still saw repeated
responses asking more of the same question (lines causing the error,
which graphics module are you referring to etc...) which is ok because
I don't mind multiple answers to the question, not everything usually
gets covered in only one and it's a check up if I answered something

But it still kind of bothered me that so many of same questions got
repeated so I googled to see the archives and it seems my response was
not placed in the same archive "thread" as it should have been, and
doesn't appear in the response list of the question.

original question: http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-tutor/96889/
my response: http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-tutor/96897/

For someone browsing through Tutor in archive form I can see how this
is a tad confusing, is it fixable? I'm guessing that my mail wasn't
put in the response list because of different titles?


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