[Tutor] Field Width

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu Sep 19 11:24:37 CEST 2013

On 18/9/2013 12:50, Jenny Allar wrote:

> I'm only a few days in to learning Python, so please bear with me.
> I need to line up the decimals on the printed information but I cannot get
> the text to look uniform at all.
> Here is my code:


>     # Print infomation
>     print("The cost of the carpet is $", format(subtotal,'9,.2f'))
>     print("The flat fee is $", format(fee,'9,.2f'))
>     print("The tax is $", format(tax_rate,'9,.2f'))
>     print("The total due is $", format(total_due,'9,.2f'))

Have you tried lining it up in the source?

    # Print infomation
    print("The cost of the carpet is $", format(subtotal,'9,.2f'))
    print("The flat fee is           $", format(fee,'9,.2f'))
    print("The tax is                $", format(tax_rate,'9,.2f'))
    print("The total due is          $", format(total_due,'9,.2f'))

The format() method can handle variability in the floating point number,
but it does nothing to guess what else you put on the line.

Does that help?


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