[Tutor] grading programm

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Oct 31 01:09:23 CET 2013

On 30/10/13 18:30, moemedi baboile wrote:
> please me help to create a program that allows the use to enter the
> marks for their subjects and tells them the number of subjects they are
> failing

This sounds like homework and we don't do homework for you.
If you tell us what you have tried we can suggest improvements
or a way forward if you are stuck, but we won't do the work
for you.

Meantime, what bit do you not know how to do?

1) Do you know how to ask users for marks?
2) Do you kow how to compare marks to determine if they are failing
3) Do you know how to store the results of (2)
4) Do you know how to repeat the above for each subject?
5) Do you know how to total up the number of fails?
6) Do you kow how to print a message with that total in?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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