[Tutor] Nested lists help

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Sat Oct 19 02:53:29 CEST 2013

On 18-Oct-2013, at 17:13, Corinne Landers <corinne.landers at live.com> wrote:
> self.grid_x = x
> self.grid_y = y
> self.grid_z = z
> self.grid = []
> self.grid2D = []

So here you create a list, self.grid2D.

> for i in range(self.grid_y):
>             row = [0]*x
>             self.grid2D.append(row)

Here you are adding more elements to that list.

> for k in range(z):
>             self.grid.append(self.grid2D) #Creates list of x by y grids

But here you keep appending self.grid2D multiple times to self.grid.  Not z different copies, but they're all the exact name list object, referenced multiple times.
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