[Tutor] Parse text with python

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Thu Oct 17 23:50:53 CEST 2013

Yes.  Concretely, I'm trying to see if it's appropriate to look at this:

NAME             UORD T/O O OXIT RXIT S    MAX      INUSE   PCT
---------------- ---- --- - ---- ---- - --------- --------- ---
J4IB              305  15             A      1700      6666  95

and think "Ah, I see a LAL User File, with the following structure: ...".

If that's appropriate, then a potential structured question we can ask is:
"Can we get the INUSE part of any LAL User File record whose MAX is 1700?"

That's the kind of targeted question that has a good chance of capturing
the actual intent of the user.  Figure out intent first, and then hack at
it.   Doing it the other way around (hack first, then see if it actually
matches the what we want) is almost certainly not right.   :P
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