[Tutor] HELP I need help with Python Setup or to reach Marilyn Davis

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 12:51:02 CEST 2013

Hi Carolynn,

On 3 October 2013 03:01, carolynn fryer <carolynncsf at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am at the point where I am just spinning my wheels.  I tried to get help
> with logging on but so far I am just getting frustrated.
Please note that you've sent an email regarding what appears to be possibly
be specific issues related to your PC's (?) and logging on (?) and/or your
Python installation (?), to a general public mailing list concerned with
learning the Python programming language.  Please understand that the
people on this list are volunteers, willing to help people *learn Python*,
not solve arbitrary PC issues.

It is not a "I'll solve all obscure PC issues posted by random strangers on
the internet" list.   Given the voluntary nature of this list, some of the
contributors understandably don't take too kindly to people who appear vent
their frustrations on them out of the blue, and seem to demand solving of
their problems when they're already donating their valuable time for free.
So, please don't be offended if some of the responses appear to be harsh.

Usually, much more light and less heat can be generated by being less
emotive and providing just the facts for people to work with, for example:
- What version of Operating systems are you using (OK, Windows 7&8, but 32
bit or 64-bit?)
- What version(s) of Python did you install?  (2.7 or 3.3, 32 bit or 64-bit)
- What exactly did you do? (How are you running your Python interpreter and
what you are then doing that's not working?)
- What actually happened/didn't work?
- What did you expect to happen?

Here's a video that was produced by one of the contributors on this list
that details how to install Python on Windows 7.  Maybe following this can
help you resolve your (what sounds to me to be installation) issues:

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