[Tutor] a bug which I can't fix

Gal Hyams galhyams at gmail.com
Thu May 30 19:02:59 CEST 2013

I'm using win 7 64 bit, and Python 3.3. I've ask the flowing question on  a
form, and friends of mine, and I've brought here the answers. I've made
after the instactions, and yet, the problem isn't fixed.. can someone help
me on this, please?

When I open Python's IDLE, sometimes and error name 'port binding error' is
accrues, and IDLE is filed to run on the computer. one this error accrues,
it will repeat every time I'll open IDLE, till the computer will be
restarted. the error box saies: ' ILDE can't bind to a TCP/IP port, which
is necessary to communicate with its Python execution server. This might be
because no networking is installed on this computer. Run IDLE with the -n
command line switch to start without a subprocess and refer to help/IDLE
Help 'Running without a subprocess' for further details.'


Every command you type into the idle after >>> will usually be sent to
another subprocess that executes it => the UI can do what it wants, the
user can do as he/she likes. If you use Tkinter to create your own GUI,
this can prevent you from crashing the IDLE windows.

IDLE uses port 3000 I think. It could be that there is something listening
there for connections other than the subprocess.

in the folder of idlelib:

import idlelibprint idlelib.__file__

there is the idle.py, idle.pyw and idle.bat that can be started with -n to
not make a new subproces.

I hope your WTF is answered.
As they said, it looks like a networking problem.
When IDLE starts, it needs to bind a TCP/IP port 8833 (I don't think it's
3000, but it might depend on the version)
In case you have another application that is running and is using the same
port, or you have another instance of IDLE, the new process will fail when
it tries to bind the new port.
Another possible scenario is port lock due to incomplete shutdown of a
previous IDLE instance.

To verify that go to:
Start > run > cmd.exe
Type the following command:
netstat -no | findstr "Proto 8833"

This command will show you which process is locking the 8833 port.
You can locate the PID of that process, and kill it with:
taskkill /PID pid_number_here

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