[Tutor] bytecode primer, and avoiding a monster download

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Tue May 28 03:15:59 CEST 2013

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was looking at the bytecode doc page as a break from the Lutz book,
> since I like Assembler-type code due to its total non-ambiguity, but
> the page doesn't say much. Is there a doc somewhere that corresponds
> some of the bytecode to Python source? I thought rot_1, 2, 3, and 4
> looked useful, but it would take awhile to disassemble random programs
> to see what source they come from.

Are you referring to the documentation of the dis module?


AFAIK, that's all the documentation there is. Heed the warning in bold
that bytecode is an implementation detail of the target virtual
machine. For example, Jython creates a .class file containing JVM
bytecode, and its code objects don't even have a co_code attribute...

I once manually instantiated a CPython 2.x code object to create a
very simple function with a default argument. Here was my first and
only attempt, FWIW:

    from opcode import opmap
    from types import FunctionType, CodeType
    from inspect import CO_OPTIMIZED, CO_NEWLOCALS, CO_NOFREE

    OP = type('OP', (), opmap)

    def foo1(x='spam'):
        print x

    foo2 = FunctionType(
      CodeType(            # func_code
        1,                     # co_argcount
        1,                     # co_nlocals
        1,                     # co_stacksize
        CO_OPTIMIZED |         # co_flags
        CO_NEWLOCALS |
        str(bytearray([        # co_code
          OP.LOAD_FAST, 0, 0,      # stack.push(fastlocals[0])
                                   #     x is fastlocals[0]
          OP.PRINT_ITEM,           # print stack.pop()
          OP.LOAD_CONST, 0, 0,     # stack.push(co_consts[0])
                                   #     co_consts[0] is None
          OP.RETURN_VALUE,         # return stack.pop()
        (None,),               # co_consts
        (),                    # co_names
        ('x',),                # co_varnames
        __file__,              # co_filename
        'foo2',                # co_name
        10,                    # co_firstlineno
        '\x00\x01',            # co_lnotab,
                               #   see: Objects/lnotab_notes.txt
        (),                    # co_freevars
        (),                    # co_cellvars
      globals(),           # func_globals
      'foo2',              # func_name
      ('spam',),           # func_defaults
      None,                # func_closure

For example:

    >>> foo2()
    >>> foo2('eggs')

There's an assembler package on PyPI that does this for real, if this
sort of thing interests you:


As to the VM's ROT operations, I'm not sure what you mean by seeing
"what source they come from". They simply manipulate the top 2, 3, or
4 items on the frame's stack:

    Swaps the two top-most stack items.

    Lifts second and third stack item one position up,
    moves top down to position three.

    Lifts second, third and forth stack item one position up,
    moves top down to position four.

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