[Tutor] from import works but I'm flubbing a package import

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Mon May 20 03:30:58 CEST 2013

Still puzzling on imports.

I have the jimlib module in Lib with the proper __init__.py . Inside
it is the program bark.py, with data item zarf that contains string

It also contains the function barker.

def barker():
   print 'bark, bark'

If I do the below everything works:

from jimlib import bark

print bark.zarf


But if I just do

import jimlib and chain the program and its functions or data

nothing works.

If I try jimlib.bark.barker() after importing jimlib or print
jimlib.bark.zarf I get the error that the module has no attribute

I'm doing the from statement right but what am I doing wrong with just
importing the whole module and chaining out bark (for bark.py) and the
function or data following?

Using Py27 and Win 7

Jim Mooney

There is no such thing as a failed experiment

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