[Tutor] Can't install latest PIL

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Fri May 17 00:12:03 CEST 2013

Make sure you have the correct architecture. The builds from
PythonWare are 32-bit. Christoph Gohlke has 64-bit builds here:


Okay, I installed the 64 bit for Py 2.7, it installed, I see  PIL
directory in Site-Packages. (Actually, it's the Pillow fork, but it
still seems to be named PIL)  I tried "import image from pil" and got
the following error: SyntaxError   invalid syntax (python_init.py,
line 1)

I don't see where that prog is, so it's an install somewhere and I
don't want to mess with it anyway.

Oh well, be nice to get back to learning Python after wrestling with
editors, installs, and Windows ;')


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