[Tutor] Please Help

Andreas Perstinger andipersti at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 14:14:43 CET 2013

Please use a meaningful subject.

On 22.03.2013 13:37, Arijit Ukil wrote:
> I have the following data points.
> data = [1,2,0,9,0,1,4]
> I like to store in an array and print the odd-indexed points, i.e. 2, 9,1
> (considering index starts at 0)

You can simply slice your list:

 >>> data = [1, 2, 0, 9, 0, 1, 4]
 >>> number_list = data[1::2]
 >>> number_list
[2, 9, 1]

See also

Bye, Andreas

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