[Tutor] Importing data from a file.

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu Mar 21 15:08:36 CET 2013

On 03/21/2013 10:03 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

A typo below;  sorry.

> On 03/21/2013 09:43 AM, Shall, Sydney wrote:
>> I have an elementary question provoked by another post today.
>> 1. Is it the case that ALL imported data from a file is a string?
> No, the imported data is a module.   For example
>      import sys
>      print type(sys)
> <type 'module'>
> At this point, sys is a object of type module.
> Perhaps you really mean data returned by the readline() method of the

Perhaps you really mean data returned by the readlines() method of the

> file object.  In that case, it's a list of strings.
> Or data returned from the readline() method of the file object.  That is
> a string.
> Or data returned from the read() method of the file object.  The return
> type of that depends on the version of Python.
> Be more specific, since the answer greatly depends on how you read this
> data.
>> 2. Does this therefor imply that said data has to be processed
>> appropriately to generate the data in the form required by the program?
> Again, you have to be specific.  The program might well want exactly
> what one of these methods returns.
>> 3. Are there defined procedures for doing the required processing?
> Sure, hundreds of thousands of them, most of them to be found in other
> people's programs.
> Sorry, but your questions are so vague as to defy definitive answers.


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