[Tutor] func-question_y_n.py

Christopher Emery cpe.list at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 00:37:40 CET 2013

Hello Hugo, Mark, Dave,

First thank you all greatly, you all have given me food for thought
and bytes to chew!

I now would like to say please don't take offense at what I say below,
however because we are all people and this IS a learning list I would
like to give feedback of the last three response I gotten.

For Hugo: You have explained stuff clearly to me, that allowed me to
learn without making feel like I should already know xyz when I am
only beginning.  Thank you for this!   PLEASE continue this gentle but
effective way of teaching.

For Dave: As much as you have given me the answers I unfortunately
didn't get to learn as much from this information as it felt like I
was completely wrong and that I should of know better, this in turn
makes people not learn, after all this is a list for learning.  I have
in a post or two did state that I was very new to python or for that
fact any program language.  I guess I need to write this in every
email I send out.

For Mark: Thank you for your answer at the end of your email.  If you
don't mind me stating for future can you explain things a little more
so I may understand the why to your statement "WHy the unneeded
parenthesis? What about 'yes'?"  Do you mind explaining the unneeded
part?  I am VERY new to learning programming in general.

Sincerely in Christ,

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