[Tutor] Random Python Tip

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Mar 15 13:26:37 CET 2013

On 03/15/2013 03:57 AM, Mark Lybrand wrote:
> I seem to remember a web page that generated a random Python programming
> tip.  However my Google Fu is weak today.  Does anyone recall the URL of
> what I am talking about?

Closest that I've seen is the "Module of the Week"


Or maybe this:

But I'd love to see a daily tip that supplied something very simple, 
elegant and memorable.


One other thing:  Much of what you'll find for advice is mistaken or 
misguided.  So learn how to test the advice, and learn who to trust when 
you have no way to test it yourself.   One advantage with a mailing list 
like this is you have lots of people ready to correct typos and 
misconceptions.  This can generate lots of noise, but has a huge net 


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