[Tutor] some web and python version questions

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Mar 5 08:59:27 CET 2013

On 03/05/2013 02:43 AM, Lolo Lolo wrote:
>> Installing 3.3 associated .py files with %windir%\py.exe, but it seems
>> the icon cache wasn't refreshed. You can trigger a refresh by setting
>> any default in the "Default Programs" control panel applet. If that
>> fails, you can manually delete the cache from the cmd shell:
>>      del /a %localappdata%\IconCache.db
>> It will be rebuilt at your next login.
> that last command returns "The system cannot find the path specified." Any ideas which directory i should do that in?

Do you have any familiarity with Windows commandline?  Can you look at 
environment variables, and do you know why I would ask that?  Can you 
search your hard disk for a file?

dir /s c:\IconCache.db

DIR is the "directory" command.
/s is the switch that says search all subdirectories.
C:\ is the starting place for your search, and IconCache.db is the file 
you're looking for.


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