[Tutor] some web and python version questions

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 4 18:58:54 CET 2013

On 04/03/13 16:30, Lolo Lolo wrote:

> Also i want to learn web development ...
> ask which is a better bet, Bottle or Cherrypy? ... Also is Pyramid a
> lightweight framework as its description suggests or is it big/complex
> like Django?

There are so many web frameworks for Python that asking which is bet is 
rather pointless. They are all fairly good, some are very good for 
specific tasks, others are more general. The main thing to start with is 
pick one and learn it. You can switch later once you understand the 
concepts but stick with one until you do.

My personal recommendation would be either to go direct to Django
or try CherryPy. But there are plenty of advocates for the other options 
too. It really is less important which one you choose, rather focus on 
understanding the concepts of  translating urls to Python methods, using 
templates to isolate code from presentation and using databases to store 
data. The frameworks all facilitate these features in one way or another.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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