[Tutor] Robot Radio in a linux Raspberry Pi

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sat Jun 29 13:55:22 CEST 2013

On 06/29/2013 12:32 AM, Kirk Bailey wrote:
> ok, some months back I wrote about the program I wrote to perform the
> office of being a robot radio station in my windows desktop PC. well, I
> got it done and posted the program FOR WINDOWS on this list, and shut up.
> Then I got interested in the Raspberry Pi, which has adopted python as
> it's language of preference. And I soon not to thinking that this little
> wonder with a st of amplified speakers and a 16Gb SD card in an old
> cabinet would be hell on small dogs as a old time radio recreation.
> So now i am starting to meddle with what already works, and convert it
> to Raspbian Linux for installation in a Raspberry Pi. there is a nice
> command line program called mpg123 that plays mp3 files easy pasy, but
> mayhaps someone knows of another way that is a touch simpler to invoke
> from inside a python script? natch, I could do it from an sh script..
> but that's not python, is it?
> Anyone who wants to stick an oar in this water, wade in to the thread.

I've not used Raspberry Pi, but look into the following links.



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