[Tutor] unwanted 'zero' ending

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri Jun 28 07:09:03 CEST 2013

On 28/06/13 11:32, Jim Mooney wrote:
> On 27 June 2013 17:05, Dave Angel <davea at davea.name>
>> Nope.  it is limited to the tests you write.  And those tests are necessarily fairly simple.
> Hmm, so it seems a lot of trouble for a few hardcoded tests I could
> run myself from the IDE interpreter window. Or better  yet, I could
> code a loop with  some random input, and some extreme cases, and work
> the function out myself. I guess there is no easy substitute for
> simply beating up your functions with a slew of garbage, since you're
> the one who understands them ;')

I'm afraid that you've missed the point, sorry :-)

Or actually, multiple points.

Firstly, doctests are *documentation first*, and tests secondly. They show by example what the function does. It is a real pain reading five pages of documentation and at the end you say, "yes, but what does this function actually *do*???" Examples can help to make it clear.

The only thing worse than no examples are examples that are wrong.

>>> doubler("3.1415")

Do you see the subtle bug? If you write a wrong example, you may never realise it is wrong, and your users will be confused and distressed. Sometimes your users are *you*, and you wrote the software a long time ago and don't remember what it is supposed to do but you can't get it to work like the examples show...

But if you do it as a doctest, you will find out that the example is wrong because the test will fail the first time you run it. Then you can fix the example while it is still fresh in your mind.

Another point that you missed is that doctests are *automated*, which is much better than manual testing. Sure, you can always do your own testing at the interactive interpreter. For instance, I might sit down to test my statistics module. I can call up the interactive interpreter, and sit down for an hour and a half and run tests like this:

import statistics
statistics.mean([1, 2, 5, 4, 7, 1, 9, 2])
statistics.stdev([4, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 7, 3])

and so on. And then, tomorrow, when I've made some changes to the code, I have to do the whole thing again. Over and over again. Who the hell can be bothered? Certainly not me. That's why testing doesn't happen, or if it does happen, it's only the most ineffective, obvious, simple tests, the ones which are the least likely to pick up bugs.

And of course I can't use my own module to test that my module is getting the right answers! Having to calculate the expected answers by hand (or at least using a different program) is a lot of work, and I don't want to have to do that work more than once. If I'm sensible, I'll write the answers down somewhere, together with the question of course. But then I'm likely to lose the paper, and even if I don't, I still have to re-type it into the interpreter.

But with *automated tests*, I only need to pre-calculate the answers once, put them into a suite of tests, and the computer can run them over and over again. I can start off with one test, and then over time add more tests, until I have five hundred. And the computer can run all five hundred of them in the time I could manually do one or two.

Instead of needing the discipline to spend an hour or three manually calculating results and comparing them to the module's results in an ad hoc manner, I only need the discipline to run a couple of simple commands such as:

python -m doctest statistics.py
python -m unittest statistics_tests.py

or equivalent.

Any tests are better than no tests, and doctest is a good way to get started with a few, low-impact, easy-to-use tests without the learning curve of unittest.


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