[Tutor] Need Help Modifying a wxPython GUI (scrolling display and logging)

Matt D md123 at nycap.rr.com
Tue Jun 18 18:45:33 CEST 2013

> Everything Dave Angel said applies.
> You can sort the keys by doing and sorting the keys and then logging.
> That should ensure field order.
> for k in sorted(self.fields):
>     v = self.fields[k]
> Also note, that unless you do self.logfile.close() it is not guaranteed
> that the data is being written to file. I prefer to use the following
> idiom for Python 2.6+ (might be in 2.5, but not sure offhand when it was added).
> with open('filename.txt', 'a') as f:
>     # write data
Now with some experience using this logger i have found that the items,
while they may not be in an ideal order, are nonetheless always in the
same order starting with date/time.  In the interest of getting this
thing working ASAP the current ordering is acceptable for now; at some
later time I may try to arrange into some other desired order.

I am testing the 'a' append mode now.  hoping this will allow for not
overwriting existing data.

Where in the program do I put the:
Is there someway to trigger this from the UI? or even when the program
is stopped?

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