[Tutor] Is there a programmatic use for keys() and values()

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 21:54:51 CEST 2013

On 15 June 2013 12:34, Andreas Perstinger <andipersti at gmail.com> wrote:

>>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
>>>> list(d.keys())
> ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']

Ah, that simplifies it. I probably read that and forgot it - so little
time so much to learn ;') Without you guys the memory-fog would do me
in .

I just like to avoid typing all those odd little-finger characters.
The dictionaries are the worst. I'll have to figure some way around
that, but I can only remap so many keys until it becomes a mess. I
already remapped Caps Lock to End. Every time I turn around I'm inside
something where I need to be at the end, and have to find the right
arrow or End key, so remapping was an amazing time saver. I never use
Caps Lock. It's Internet rudeness. And if I need all caps for a big
section, Clipmate can do that automatically. (Incredible program -
amazing timesaver - so I'm giving it a plug.)

After indictment the bacon smuggler was put on the no-fry list

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