[Tutor] Need Help Modifying a wxPython GUI (scrolling display and logging)

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Wed Jun 12 23:59:47 CEST 2013

On 06/12/2013 05:32 PM, Matt D wrote:
> On 06/10/2013 12:23 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
>> Matt D wrote:
>>> Ramit Prasad wrote:
>>>>>> Scrolled panel is just a graphical container that allows for scrolling inside,
>>>>>> but it is the window that scrolls not widgets inside it. This of it like
>>>>>> a webpage that scrolls. If you use web email the text widget in the
>>>>>> email needs to scroll so you can see your full email context and not
>>>>>> just scroll the page.
>>>>>> You will probably need to create a TextCtrl with the appropriate style
>>>>>> and append your new data. I have given an example below that should
>>>>>> automatically scroll with your new data.
>>>>>> #in __init__
>>>>>> self.scrolling_widget = wx.TextCtrl( self, wx.ID_ANY, '', size=(-1, 275),
>>> Hey,
>>> I added this the above 3 lines of code to my file and ran it.  the box
>>> shows up on the far left, mostly of the pane, to the left of the current
>>> text feilds.  I am having trouble positioning this textbox under where
>>> the current text fields are.
>>> I am not sure but maybe this sets up the grid on the pane:
>>> 	sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=10, vgap=10)
>>>          self.fields = {}
>>> all the current TextCtrl fields are positioned at (1,1) through (5,5).
>>> I tried adding:
>>> 	sizer.Add(field, pos=(1,6))
>>> but it did not move the box to the position?
>> Just to make sure, you did call it field and not self.scrolling_widget
>> (which was in my example)?
>> Odd that they don't start at (0,0) when adding to the bag. This is
>> more a wxpython question and their mailing list might prove more
>> useful. I could figure it out, but I cannot run the app. Trial
>> and error here will probably help you the most. You can also
>> try looking at a different sizer (like BoxSizer and GridSizer).
>> Personally, I think BoxSizer is the most intuitive as it matches
>> my thought process. You just set an orientation (vertical/horizontal)
>> and add widgets to it. To get something in the other direction, you
>> create another box sizer with the opposite orientation, add widgets
>> to that sizer, and then add the new sizer to the original sizer. Not
>> nearly as pretty as grid/grid bag though (by default), but super simple.
>> BoxSizer API
>> http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.BoxSizer-class.html
>> Some other sizers are listed here:
>> http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.Sizer-class.html
>>> THanks,
>>> Matt
> Hey,
> if i put:
>   self.logfile = open('logfile.csv', 'w')
> in the .py file, within the 'class TrafficPane', then shouldn't
> logfile.csv be written to the directory the .py file is in?  because its
> not there after running the program?  Where should i look for it?
> Thanks
> Matt

It should put it in the current directory.  That *may* be the directory 
the script is in, but not necessarily.  It's easy to run something like:

python somdir/myscript.py

in which case the file would be in the parent directory to myscript.py

Note that in some environments, the current directory is invisibly set 
to some convenient place.  For example, when right-clicking on a script 
in Windows Explorer, they make the bald assumption that you want to set 
the current directory the same as the location of the script. That's 
about the worse place for it, but nevermind.


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