[Tutor] Future Python

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 02:22:12 CEST 2013

You can combine django (or any other framework) with brython, just like you
would with javascript. For example, just this past week, this example was
posted to the brython list:


www.pyptug.org  -  raspberry-python.blogspot.com  -  @f_dion

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 7:28 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5 June 2013 13:38, Walter Prins <wprins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jim,
>> You might be interested to know there's several incarnations of Python
>> for browser already available.  PyJS and PyJaco are Python to Javascript
>> compilers, and Brython is basically a Python subset that allows you to
>> write Python and use it as a scripting language in client side web pages
>> instead of Javascript:
>> http://code.google.com/p/brython/
>> http://www.brython.info/
> Brython looks interesting. After the joy of learning it I have to find a
> use for Python, and it appears even Django uses JS as the scripter.
> Probably so folks can use jQuery, which was a great idea, but is now being
> polluted by endless jQuery popups that have replaced the HTML popups I
> block. You will never get away from all popups unless you use Lynx ;')
> --
> Jim
> "Would you use Internet Explorer if someone put a gun to your head?"
> "How big is the gun?"
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