[Tutor] Future Python

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 13:14:34 CEST 2013

Here's something interesting. I went to the Tutor archives to see if
appending to a title would keep a msg in the stream (it didn't), and
found email from 2027. I'll ask Djuro for lottery numbers but I'll
have to wait ten years to collect.


2027-January Archives by Date

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Starting: Sat Jan 30 02:20:15 2027
Ending: Sat Jan 30 02:20:15 2027
Messages: 1

    [Tutor] Glade   djuro m.

Last message date: Sat Jan 30 02:20:15 2027
Archived on: Wed Feb 6 09:57:01 2002


Even more oddly, it was archived in 2002, but with the same format as
2027, or I'd figure I was misunderstanding something (Which is still
possible.) Although putting some odd sequence number that looks like a
year at the end of a date would be really obtuse. That, or someone
else has as much trouble with dates as I do. Or maybe its a
time-dilation effect and I can get a sneak peek at Python 7 ;')

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