[Tutor] unichr not working as expected

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Jul 23 16:14:14 CEST 2013

On 07/23/2013 02:10 AM, Jim Mooney wrote:
> On 22 July 2013 21:00, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> (By the way, you're very naughty. The code you show *cannot possibly
>> generate the error you claim it generates*. Bad Jim, no biscuit!)
> I know. I need a personal github.

git is free, and is usually installed on individual machines.  It's also 
easy to set up and use for a single user.


Where git gets complex is when multiple users are making simultaneous 
changes.  And even there, it's about as complicated as it needs to be, 
and very powerful.

Once you've installed git, you don't even need internet access.  Even if 
you're in a multiplayer project, you only need it for some operations, 
not for the run of the mill snapshots you'd like to do.

> When I get frustrated I try so many
> things in quick succession I lose track. The worst is when I got something
> working, but was moving so fast, I forgot how ;')

One git feature I haven't used in a long time is the ability to test 
MANY versions against a particular test.  If I recall correctly, the 
test should return a nonzero return code (eg. sys.exit(5)) for error. 
Anyway, you start up the git script, telling it the test name, and it'll 
repeatedly get versions till it finds the one you're looking for.


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