[Tutor] Books for Learning Python

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 11 23:51:16 CET 2013

> I did a lot of programming in Fortran 77 while working on my Ph.D. in engineering mechanics
>That's OK, it's not permanent damage. :-)
>> (1) Will Python allow me to create applications that provide a simple GUI 
>> interface to something like an integrator for ODEs? 
>No idea what an ODE is but yes Python can do simple graphics/GUIs. The 
>Tkinter GUI library and friends are part of the standard library. Other tookits
>exist such as wxPython, pyGTK etc.
>> Does it have graphics libraries that allow one to animate the motion of simple 
>> objects (e.g., spheres, ellipsoids, parallelepipeds, etc.) based on the results of 
>> numerical simulations?
>Yes, you can use things like gnuplot for grpahs/chartys or more dynamic you 
>can use pyGame to define your own sprites and manoevre them around the screen.
>You can also access libraries such as Scipy and R for heavyweight number crunching.
>Start with the official tutorial, supplement with some of themore basic for 
>new concepts like OOP (mine if you like! :-). Once confident with vanila python 
>look at specialist tutorials for TKinter, PyGame, Scipy, R etc.
>Python is well suited to your needs, obnce you have the foundation in place 
>(and that should take only 2 or 3 days effort to polish up the rusty bits) the 
>new stuff can be learned as needed.
>Alan g.
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