[Tutor] garbage collection/class question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 11 23:27:47 CET 2013

On 11/01/13 19:41, Jan Riechers wrote:

>> class Tree(object):
>>      height = 0
>>      def grow(self):
>>          self.height += 1
> Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances
> generated by:
> greenwoodTree = Tree()
> oakTree = Tree()
> ....
> Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class,

Ok, a small terminology issue. They are not derived from Tree, they are 
Trees. They are two instances of the same class. Derived is used to 
suggest that they are sub classes of Tree via inheritance, a whole 
different discussion.

> receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values created
> in there __init__ generator method - "self.height", "self.color" and so
> forth uniquely each.
> But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?

Yes. each instance holds a reference to its class. The class holds the 
function definitions. That's why you need a self parameter, it tells the 
class method definition which instance is being operated upon.

> I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in general,
> but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same functions (also
> memory wise speaking) - or are there several definitions of "grow" ?

instances all refer to their class which holds the methods for the class.

Where inheritance is concerned the class then holds a further reference 
to its parent class and Python looks for the earliest method definition 
as it traverses that class hierarchy. In other words if the object class 
doesn't have a method definition to match the message name then it looks 
in the superclass's definition for such a method, and if not there it 
looks in the superclass's superclass and so on until it finds a match. 
It is this search that makes methods different to simple functions.

> The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and
> "staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
> from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties
> are shared across multiple instances of a given class?

Not quite. Class attributes are common across *all* instances of the 
class. Class methods are, like instance methods, stored in the class but 
do not need an instance to exist to call them. In fact class methods can 
be used as "factories" to create instances. This is a common pattern 
where you want a way to recover stored classes from a database or file 
or over a network connection. For example:

foo = MYClass()   # create a brand new instance in memory
id = foo.store(DB)  # save it in database
del(foo)   # get rid of the object in memory
foo2 =- MYClass.restore(db, id)    #  new instance loaded from DB.
bar = MYClass.load(someSocket) #instance read from network port

store() is an instance method that stores the instance data in a 
database. restore() is a class method that resurrects that instance by 
loading it from the database

load() is a class method that reads the data on a network port and 
interprets it as instance data and returns a new instance with those 

>  From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop -
> the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out,

Yes, because they are shared.

But note that this is all implementation detail, there are other OOP 
languages that do things differently. Python's approach is the most 
common but not guaranteed. In fact I'm not even sure if it's guaranteed 
across different Python implementations!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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