[Tutor] Need to create code

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Dec 11 01:39:35 CET 2013

On 10/12/2013 15:45, Matthew Thomas wrote:
> Write a function named *SSN2Name* with an interactive loop. The function
> takes the dictionary named*data*as input argument where this dictionary
> stores the key, value pairs of SSN, name of person. The SSN is in the
> string format 'xxx-xx-xxxx' and name is also a string. Each iteration of
> the functions's loop should prompt the user to enter an SSN in the
> required format and next, it should print the name of the person if
> he/she is found in the dictionary, otherwise a message like "person not
> found" if that SSN does not exist in the keys of the dictionary. The
> loop should stop iterating when the user inputs the empty string "" when
> prompted for SSN.
> Write the full function definition in your answer. The function outline
> is given below with comments provided as code hints -
> def SSN2Name(data):
>       # create a loop that repeats forever (while True loop)
>              # within the loop prompt user for SSN
>              # if user input is empty string break out of loop
>              # if user input is an SSN found as a key in the dictionary,
> print the value corresponding to that key
> # if user input is not found as a key in the dictionary print message
> saying person was not found

An alternative to the hints kindly provided already by Alan Gauld is to 
write out a sizeable cheque made payable to the Python Software 
Foundation, where the size of the cheque refers to the amount in words 
and figures and not the physical dimensions.  Then and only then will 
you see some actual code.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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