[Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 6 18:33:22 CEST 2013

On 06/08/13 10:01, Walter Prins wrote:

>         py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
>         ...     x = yield()
>         ...     while True:
>         ...             x = yield(x + 1)
>         ...

> "send" and yield as akin to threaded execution, where cr() is like a
> thread that blocks at the yield call after creation, and then when you
> call on magic.send() the "thread" wakes up and continues and eventually
> returns another value

It's clever but I'm not keen on it overloading yield to do it.
yield as a word conveys (to me at least) the idea of returning a value 
but not quite completely ending. This usage sounds like a different 
concept and I'd have preferred a more explicit name - although I can't 
think what!! Also I'm not keen on the argument/parameter mechanism
here either. Arguments are sent but not explicitly declared in the 
receiver, that all feels rather un-pythonic to me. But I've only
skimmed it so far, I need to do some hands-on playing I think.

I am getting concerned that python is developing a lot of these
non-intuitive type features, almost because it can(*). A lot of it no 
doubt scratches somebody's itch but its at the expense of making what 
was a very easy to use language ever more complex. I'm not sure if i 
would choose Python for my Learn to Program tutorial if I was starting 
it  these days - although I'm not sure what else is any better...

(*)The same thing happened with C++ between v2 and ISO
standardization - a lot of bells n' whistles were added which made C++ 
much more complex than was good for it (or for me as a programmer!). 
Eventually you had to be a guru level coder to use it successfully. 
Python hasn't got that far yet but it seems to be in danger of it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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